Best. Salmon. Cake. Recipe. Ever. (IMHO) with Salmon Practice.

Grilled salmon for dinner leads to salmon cake next day. I found Ina Garten’s version and adjusted the recipe for the ingredients I had (pasilla chilies and black olives) in place of the ingredients I didn’t (sweet peppers, capers). I smiled at the instruction for a quarter teaspoon hot sauce, Tabasco recommended. First, I no longer keep a bottle of Tabasco on hand cuz I love Crystal Hot Pepper Sauce. Second, a quarter teaspoon!  Before the 1990s leading-edge recipes listed “dash of Tabasco.” A quarter teaspoon is quite a few dashes. Still I’d add up to a half teaspoon myself. My palate has changed and yours probably has too!

Salmon practice: Sumi-e is a practice with ink and paper. When I make a picture, I get an idea of how to make it again but more simple, meaning fewer brush strokes and more gradations of ink in each stroke. I tell myself what I like about the picture, too. Above, I like the air bubbles. Below I like the second fin from the bottom left and the tail fin works. I captured the salmon’s hooked top lip, too.

Instead of frying individual patties, I spooned the mixture into a buttered 8-inch round dish and baked in a 350 F oven for 45-50 minutes, final internal temperature 145 F. The. Best. Salmon. Cake. Ever.

Could be a salmon. Could be swimming upstream to spawn. Could be.

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  1. Yummy salmon cake!
    Love to try it!

    I smile at your post.
    I see the fish
    I wonder….
    Is he saying to me
    “What are you doing?….”
    I love it all?

  2. Nice to see you blogging again and writing about two of your favorite things cooking and painting!

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