The Life-Long Importance of Eating Together

Families who dine together thrive together. What’s good for the kids is good for the grown-ups even when the kids aren’t around.  In a recent issue of The Atlantic the writer offers evidence from a world-wide study that students who eat regularly with their parents miss less school. A 2003 study showed that students who eat five to seven meals a week with family are less likely to use drugs, less likely to be ‘highly stressed’ and more likely to perform well in school than teens who eat just two meals a week with family.

A quick trip around Google yielded no studies about the importance of adults eating together.  Yet, one-person households make up more than 25% of American homes. I live in one of those households. I have a hunch that when single people eat more meals with friends, neighbors and/or family and when more of those meals are prepared at home, that person is more likely to be building a strong network of support.



Dinner with Karen on a June evening as observed by Trigger

I’m talking about everyday kind of cooking, not splurging with others at a special restaurant or celebrating holidays. Just the ordinary “I’m-making-a-salad-and-roasting-fish-fillets.-Wanna-come-over-for-supper?” Eating together is quality time, best savored when screens are put to sleep. It’s for looking another in the eyes, listening to conversation, initiating conversation, building connection.




The Salad is Served

I’m talking about everyday kind of cooking, not splurging with others at a special restaurant or celebrating holidays. Just the ordinary “I’m-making-a-salad-and-roasting-fish-fillets.-Wanna-come-over-for-supper?” Eating together is quality time, best savored when screens are put to sleep. It’s for looking another in the eyes, listening to conversation, initiating conversation, building connection.

It’s the little things that sustain us. Dining together is a building block of friendship and mutual caring. I don’t know any demographic segment who doesn’t need a little more of that!


Here’s to good appetites and good meals shared!

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